Essex Junction Lions Club
Sight & Hearing
​This is the primary focus of the Lions Club. We continue to furnish eye exams and glasses to needy rsidents of Essex and surrounding areas. In conjunction with Districy 45 (all Vermont Lions Clubs), the Club has been a generous supporter of the Austing Green Mountain Lions Camp for hearing impaired children.
​The Essex Junction Lions are dedicated to helping the seniors in our community, through serving holiday meals, conducting diabetes testing, and prodivding needed medical supplies.
Speak Out Contest
​The Lions Club provides two scholarships to Essex High Seniors every year.
Memorial Park
​In 2001, the Essex Junction Lions began work on a park dedicated to Veterans at Five Corner's in Essex Junction. The project is now complete, and is a reminder of all those in our community who have served.
Twin State Soccer
​This is a game between Vermont and New Hampshire high school soccer players. The money raised from the games is divided evenly between the two states (NH and VT), and goes to fund a variety of projects important to those states.
In Vermont the funds raised go to the Austine Green Mountain Lions Camp for hearing impaired children.
Food From the Heart
​This is a local food collection program that takes place every Valentine's Day.